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Impact of the Bible on English Literature & Language – Play ‘Bible Knowledge Online Quiz’ & Get Certificate

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Holy Bible Quiz with Certificate

Test Your Bible Knowledge....
Play Holy Bible Quiz and Get the Certificate Immediately!!!

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1. In what city was Jesus Christ born?

holy bible quiz with certificate_1

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2. Who is the angel who told Mary she would give birth to Jesus?

holy bible quiz with certificate_2

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3. What is the name of the garden where Jesus went to pray after the Last Supper?

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4. After Jesus was crucified, who took His body down from the cross?

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5. How old was Jesus when he started his ministry?

holy bible quiz with certifi

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6. What city mentioned in the Book of Revelation is also the name of an American city?

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7. What day of the week did Jesus rise from the dead?

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8. What is the place where Jesus walked on water?

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9. What did the Israelites worship when Moses met God on Mount Sinai?

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10. What did Moses receive on Mount Sinai?

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Impact of the Bible on English Literature & Language

We find massive impact of the Bible on English Literature and Language. The Bible has been successfully contributing in various literary styles and themes. It has gifted abundant vocabulary, most beautiful quotations, maxims and phrases. The whole range of English language and literature is much acknowledged to the Bible for its dignity, solemnity and richness. The impact of the Bible spreads all over English literature, particularly the thought and style of great English prose writers.

  • This Holy book sparked Bunyan a lot to pen down his magnum opus, Pilgrim’s Progress.
  • The historian Clarendon and Fuller, catch some measure of the stately rhetoric of the Old Testament.
  • It was in the middle of the Church that English drama was born and brought up. English drama has also been influenced by the Bible.
  • Dramatists like Marlowe, Shakespeare, T.S. Eliot, G.B. Shaw owed much to Bible.
  • The literary influence of the Authorized Version of the Bible has been wide and extensive, all pervasive and perennial.
  • The imapct of the Bible on English has been both thematic and stylistic
  • Bunyan and Oscar Wilde imitated the simple, rhythmical, repetitive style of the Bible.
  • Poets and writers may take a scene from the Scripture as the subject of a poem or story.
  • The language of a piece of writing may echo a passage of Scripture. An author may incorporate a theme from a scriptural book or story in his or her work.

Video courtesy: Literature Guide channel

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