Home GRAMMAR Prepositions: Meaning, Uses & Examples

Prepositions: Meaning, Uses & Examples

grammar-prepositions quiz

English Grammar: Prepositions Quiz

Solve 'English Grammar Prepositions Quiz' & Get an attractive Certificate.


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1. Choose the correct preposition:
He has been feeling uncomfortable _________ last week.

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2. Choose the correct preposition:
People marched ___________ the government office in the city.

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3. Choose the correct preposition:
A hero was asked to choose __________ a girl-friend and mother.

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4. Choose the correct preposition:
The building is being constructed ____________ our apartment.

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5. Point out the correct sentence:

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6. Pick out the correct alternative to complete the sentence:
Divide this property ________ Jack, Thomas and Alice.

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7. Choose the sentence/sentences containing correct Prepositions:
a. She got married against her wish.
b. The sun moves after the earth.
c. The writer’s name was written below the title.
d. In weekends, we go out of station.

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8. Choose the correct sentence containing correct Prepoitions:

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9. Choose the sentence containing the Preposition of Place:

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10 / 10

10. Choose the sentence containing the Preposition of Time:

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PREPOSITIONS are the words which express the relationship between a noun and other words. It is always followed by a noun or pronoun. Usually, Preposition expresses a modification or predication. PREPOSITIONS are systematically divided into three categories:
a. Preposition of Time
b. Preposition of Place
c. Preposition of Direction
(Generally, Prepositions of Direction, Place and Location are considered as same)


Prepositions of Time
After, At, Before, By, During, For, From, In, On, Since, To, Until, Within
Prepositions of Direction / Place / Location
Above, Across, Against, Along, Among, Around, At, Behind, Below, Beneath, Beside, Between, By, Close to, Down, In, In front of, Inside, Into, Near, Next to, Off, On, On top of, Onto, Out, Out of, Outside, Over, Past, Through, To, Towards, Under, Underneath, Up, Within


Examples:  TIME
After 1. He had a lunch after the meeting.
2. After the exam is over, I will go there.
3. He got back to the job after recovering from Covid-19.
4. I will conduct my lecture after reading the News.
5. Players shake hands after the match is over.
At 1. He went to college at 11:00 am.
2. He usually wakes up at midnight.
3. The show will begin at 10:00 a.m.
4. He fell in love at first sight.
5. He forgot the key knowledge at the crucial time.
Before 1. Before it rains, it gets hotter.
2. I had my breakfast before coming to college.
3. Students must know the subject codes before submitting their exam forms.
4. I fell asleep before completing my task.
5. He reached the venue before the time allotted to him.
By 1. Submit assignments by tomorrow.
2. I have to finish this project by the end of this month.
3. By the time I reached there, he had already left.
4. They were asked to finish their rituals by the sunset.
5. Anti-terrorist squad will reach the location by dawn.
During 1. During the lecture, students were making noise.
2. The theft was committed during the function.
3. I usually go to some hill station during summer vacation.
4. She fainted during examination of Math.
5. He beat his wife during the quarrel.
For 1. I have been staying here for the last 10 years.
2. He worked for many hours and then left.
3. They waited for a long time.
4. We met for the first time.
5. Robert has been reading for two hours.
From 1. Your examination will start from tomorrow.
2. From the next month, I will shift to a hostel.
3. Lectures will start from tomorrow.
4. He is going to start working from this August.
5. From that day, she never smiled at anyone.
In 1. Paul goes for jogging in the evening.
2. It’s very hot in this summer.
3. I was born in 1984 in the month of October.
4. We go to hill station in monsoon.
5. The project was launched in 2010.
On 1. On weekends, we go out of station.
2. She is going to London on coming Monday.
3. Reach there on time.
4. My mother fasts on Thursdays.
5. On that day, Clara was very happy.
Since 1. I have been working since morning.
2. He has been doing a job in this field since 2021.
3. They have been selling gold since 1918.
4. Since yesterday, Emma has been feeling unwell.
5. He seems to be disturbed since last night.
To 1. I will stay there from June to December.
2. The admission procedure will be open from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm.
3. Annual Social Days were organized from Monday to Saturday.
4. They usually work from nine in the morning to five o’clock.
5. Jane played guitar from 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm.
Until 1. I studied until midnight.
2. The show did not end until 12:00 pm.
3. John works out at the gym from 6 pm until 8.00 pm.
4. The shop will remain closed from 12:00 pm until 7:00 pm tomorrow.
5. You will reach there until 4:00 pm.
Within 1. They will back within a week.
2. You must submit the assignment within two days.
3. She has to finish this project within a month.
4. Within few days, she changed much.
5. I will return your book within two or three days.


Above 1. Above God, there is nobody.
2. They live in an apartment above us.
3. All the above options are correct.
4. The kite was flying above in the sky.
5. The cat was sitting above on the tree.
Across 1. He went across the street.
2. Robert swam across the river.
3. There is a petrol-pump just across the road.
4. English is spoken across the world.
5. They live across the border.
Against 1. She got married against her wish.
2. Don’t go against the law.
3. We have to fight against Covid-19.
4. He spoke against the topic in the debate.
5. You have to sign against your name in the list.
Along 1. We walked slowly along the road.
2. Trees along the both sides of the road have been cut down.
3. Classrooms are just there along the corridor.
4. I would like to go along with you.
5. The post-office is along that road.
Among 1. Distribute these chocolates among the students.
2. There was a total uproar among the people.
3. He was among his friends, so I left.
4. I found that file among books on the shelf.
5. Her house is among trees.
Around 1. John threw his arms around the shoulders of Jennie.
2. People were sitting around the table for dinner.
3. The sun moves around the earth.
4. I looked around for a hotel.
5. The snake coiled itself around the goat.
At 1. It was very crowded at the mall yesterday.
2. We are at the bus-station right now.
3. He lives at Manhattan in New York.
4. You must stay at home, as it’s so scorching outside.
5. I will meet you at the gate of the college.
Behind 1. The corporate office of his company is behind the tallest building.
2. Behind the tree, there was a bench.
3. He hid behind his mother.
4. John could see her disappearing slowly behind the train.
5. The Principal’s residence is behind the school.
Below 1.There are questions give below the passage.
2. There was carpet below the sofa.
3. They found the treasure below the house.
4. The writer’s name was written below the title.
5. The list of books is given below the syllabus.
Beneath 1. He hid the documents beneath the pile of papers.
2. They found a wooden art beneath the attic.
3. The cool and soft grass felt soothing beneath feet.
4. They advised to keep wooden material beneath the electric equipment.
5. The tool-box was placed beneath the car.
Beside 1. I sat beside her.
2. The table is beside her bed.
3. She sleeps beside her mother.
4. He saw innumerable flowers beside the lake.
5. There is a river beside the temple.
Between 1. Between the two rivals, there was a long history.
2. I sat between my two friends.
3. A hero was asked to choose between a girl-friend and mother.
4. He was divided between his personal life and job.
5. There was a fight between two communities.
By 1. A toddler stood shyly by her mother’s side.
2. John wants to keep her close by him forever.
3. The old man walked by his son keeping mum.
4. The president stood by the podium.
5. I will always stand by you to support
Close to 1. He was standing close to the window.
2. My house is close to my school.
3. I am close to the completion of my task.
4. It is very close to his heart.
5. They sat close to each other in the meeting.
In 1. He is in his room.
2. William has been put in the solitary confinement.
3. Books are kept in the cupboard.
4. Money is safe in the locker of the bank.
5. I am in the train now.
In front of 1. They live in front of the post office.
2. There is a beautiful lake view in front of the resort.
3. Sit straight in front of the camera.
4. She stood in front of the mirror and stared at herself.
5. The building is being constructed in front of our apartment.
Into 1. His computer ran into the problem.
2. She rushed into the classroom.
3. Boys jumped into the river.
4. He looked into her eyes and smiled.
5. The tiger slipped into his cave.
Down 1. I got down from the bus.
2. Water spilt down from the glass.
3. He rolled down from the staircase.
4. Clara came down to meet him.
5. Temperature is going down.
Inside 1. The cat was inside the box.
2. Happiness is found inside, not outside.
3. People don’t know what’s going on inside the minds of others.
4. I looked inside the room.
5. Stay inside the house only.
Near 1. He went near the boy to enquire.
2. The police-station is located near our house.
3. Both of them sat near each other to talk.
4. Don’t go near the fire or you will get burnt.
5. You should not go near such people.
Next to 1. The Kennedys live next to us.
2. They stood next to each other.
3. The book is next to the flower-vase.
4. Would you mind my sitting next to you?
5. We live next to the bank.
Off 1. He took his shirt off.
2. She is off her medicines again.
3. They are living off the main locality.
4. We got 50% off on our shopping.
5. Come off the tower right away.
On 1. Fruits are kept on the dining table.
2. They live on the first floor.
3. Monkeys were leaping on the trees.
4. I am on the terrace right now.
5. The cat is lying on the bed.
On top of 1. The mobile is on top of the fridge.
2. The bag is on top of the wardrobe.
3. The cap is on top of his head.
4. He climbed on top of the tree.
5. Paul reached on top of the hill
Onto 1. The thief climbed onto the roof.
2. You can store data onto your pen-drive.
3. He was wallowing onto the floor.
4. This path will take you onto the highway.
5. Ducks were swimming onto the surface of water of the lake.
Out 1. He was playing out.
2. Get out!
3. She stepped out in the scorching sun.
4. Don’t put the ice-cream out, it will melt.
5. They are out.
Out of 1. John took clothes out of a bag.
2. He jumped out of his car to catch the thief.
3. Robert snatched money out of his pocket.
4. Emma looked out of the window.
5. We got out of the danger safely.
Outside 1. Wait outside for some time.
2. Children are playing outside.
3. The dog came outside the house.
4. It’s very cold outside.
5. Happiness is not something found outside.
Over 1. He jumped over the wall.
2. The bird flew over the river.
3. Put a cloth over the T.V.
4. Clouds gathered over in the sky.
5. There were over 50 students in the class.
Past 1. It is a quarter past five now.
2. It’s past your lunch time.
3. He walked past the college.
4. His house is past the bank.
5. During the past year he suffered from Covid-19.
Through 1. She looked through the eye-hole.
2. He was poked through with a knife.
3. I will be there Monday through Friday.
4. John went through the tunnel.
5. We got connected through Facebook.
Towards 1. He went towards the hospital.
2. She walked towards Jim.
3. She kept looking towards the phone.
4. People marched towards the Municipal Corporation.
5. Country is going towards anarchy.
Under 1. The cat was sitting under the table.
2. People gathered under the tree.
3. Reasons can be explained as under.
4. He worked under the guidance of his senior.
5. The boy was hiding under the bed.
Underneath 1. The tunnel goes right underneath the city.
2. Police found explosives underneath the floor.
3. Underneath his pillow, he kept the letter.
3. Underneath his strict nature, there is a soft man too.
4. He kept his mobile underneath his lap.
Up 1. Go right up.
2. Price of the petrol is going up constantly.
3. She was up in the room then.
4. He filled the jug up with juice.
5. John is rising up from his position in the office.
Upon 1. He was welcomed upon his arrival.
2. She was wearing black hat upon her head.
3. John splashed water upon her.
4. He threw bag upon the table.
5. Boys were sitting upon the roof of the train.
Within 1. Look within yourself.
2. I will be back within 10 minutes.
3. He will join the work again within a week.
4. It is within my range.
5. Write your answer within 200 words.

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