Home SKILLS Speaking 30 Ways to Say “I don’t like…”

30 Ways to Say “I don’t like…”

30 Ways to Say I Don't Like

Ways to Say I Don't Like

   I dislike it
   I hate it
   I detest it
   I loathe it
   I decline it
   I ignore it
   I refuse it
   I don’t appreciate it
   I don’t admire it
   I can’t stand it
   I’ve had enough
   I’ll pass
   I’m sick of it
   I’m disinterested in that/it
   I’m not interested in that/it
   I’m not into it
   I’m not fond of it
   I’m not really fond of it
   I’m not crazy about it
   I’m not mad about it
   I’m not a big fan of it
   I’m not keen on it
   I’m not passionate about it
   I’m not eager for it
   I’m impartial about that
   It doesn’t fit my thinking
   It’s unconcerned for me
   That’s not for me
   That’s not my thing
   That’s not my field

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