The lesson is systematically divided into two parts under two titles, ‘Lost in the Jungle’ and ‘Tracking the Panther of Nagarhole’, respectively.
First Part is an amazing experience of Kiran Purandare, the solitary traveller, completely lost in the jungles of ‘Umbarzara’. He narrates how he lost his way at the fall of the dusk and the terrifying turmoil he underwent thereafter. Shouting for help would literally mean ‘crying in the wilderness’. He also gives a detailed description of how he found his way towards the ‘Pitezari’.
Second Part has been extracted from ‘CN Traveller Magazine’. It is about Shaaz Jung, known for his wildlife photography. It briefs us about his entry into this world of wildlife photography. It also reveals the insight that he received during this journey regarding the loss of the habitat of Jungle Heroes. The extract is the witness of his genuine efforts he took by establishing BCRTI. It is his honest effort for the conservation of forests by educating the rural folks as well as by providing them with a sound reliable source of income.
Click to listen Khyak! Khyak!! sound of ‘Langur’-
Really useful and attractive presentation,sir
Dear sir,
Your work is not just very creative but also very catchy to grab the attention of the students.
I use much of your material to teach students. It motivates me do teach in a more creative way.
Best wishes sir,
Rinkel Vasani
Really useful presentation sir
I am absolutely captivated by such informative and creative presentation of yours sir. It’s absolutely really helpful. Thank you so much! Really Appreciate your efforts sir!