Voyaging Towards Excellence is an autobiographical sketch penned by Achyut Godbole. It depicts his journey from a middle class school boy to a famous writer. He was a successful General Manager of Patni Computer Systems. He headed many other reputed companies and later became a famous writer. The present write-up discusses his quest for excellence, how he developed a thirst for knowledge. He discusses at length the ingredients/essentials of success and the ways to achieve it.
Home Maharashtra State Board Std.12 (Std.12-State Board) 1.8 VOYAGING TOWARDS EXCELLENCE- BRAINSTORMING (A4 to A6)
Really a grand assistance to teachers. Best regards for the future.
Sir your PDF are really very useful to teachers, as they assist us in explaining the topics very easily.. Thank you so much for sharing all this on the group. All the best to you for your future endeavours.